Saturday 11 April 2015

Driving tips for visitors

This cannot be over stated. Indian traffic conditions are chaotic, the drivers reckless, and the roads often in poor repair.

Driving tips for visitors:-This cannot be over stated.  Indian traffic conditions are chaotic; drivers are reckless and poor condition of roads.  There is a pecking order for right of way:  animals like cows' dogs' pigs and goats are at top and large vehicles including trucks and buses are second. Even pedestrians safety is also a big concern.

Speed Limit

Speed limits are indicated by black numbers on a circular white background. The exception is National Speed Limit' a kind of "default" speed limit' indicated by a plain white circular sign with a black diagonal stripe.

The National Speed Limit (NSL) is 60mph (=98km/h) on single-carriageway roads and 70mph (=112km/h) on dual-carriageways and motorways.

Built-up areas have a standard 30mph (=48km/h) limit in force' though in some areas (near schools' housing estates etc). it drops to 20mph. In areas with less immediate danger this rises to 40mph (=64km/h) or even 50mph (=80km/h). Most deviations from the normal 30mph are very well-signed' especially the 20mph zones' which are usually liberally sprinkled with speed-bumps and other "traffic calming" measures.

Violation of speed limit usually incurs a fine (although if the speed was only slightly above the limit' some forces offer the option of a speed awareness course - along with a fee) and penalty points on a licence. Stationary speed cameras and mobile police radar traps and average speed camera are used to catch offenders. For safe visit' driving tips for first time visitors is you should follow all laws of a new region. If you are in a new and unfamiliar territory and driving vehicle with the controls on the "wrong" side' on the "wrong" side of the road' you are already a potential hazard and you should not add more danger by fast driving. 


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