Saturday, 11 April 2015

Other Driving Tips

Driving is risky business. As a defensive driver, you can avoid crashes and help lower your risk

Other Driving Tips: Driving is very risky. As a defensive driver, you can avoid crashes and help lower your risk behind the wheel. But, once you come out on road, you get to know that not everyone drives well. Some people drive very fast. Others roam into another lane because they aren't paying attention. Drivers may follow too closely, make sudden turns without any signal, or weave in and out of traffic.

Rowdy drivers are known as big danger on roads, causing one third of all traffic crashes. Inattentive driving is also a big concern, people "multitask" by talking on phone, texting, eating or even watching TV while driving.

It is not possible to regulate the actions of other drivers. But updating your defensive driving skills can help you avoid the dangers caused by other's bad driving.

Commonly, driver’s distraction is one of the main reasons for traffic accidents. Using or communicating on phone requires great attention and can be a contributing factor for accidents. However, using a phone is one of many distractions any driver faces. In other words, concern about driver distraction should not be limited to mobiles.

List of safety driving tips includes great attention on road and traffic condition as accidents occur because drivers stay unaware of the conditions around. Be aware, there may be more than one sources for distractions.

Stay focused. Driving is mainly a thinking task, and you have a lot of things to contemplate while you are behind the wheel. Some main areas which require your attention are road conditions, speed, position, observing traffic laws, signs & signals, following directions, being aware of cars around, position of mirrors. In fact, the list is large and you have to observe things yourself. Focus on driving is the key for safe journey.

Distracting factors like communicating and eating make driver less able to see potential problems and properly react to them. Not only teen drivers who are at fault: People who have been driving for a while can get overconfident in their driving skills and let their driving abilities get sloppy. All drivers need to remind themselves to stay focused.

Alertness is necessary. Being not sleepy or under the influence allows to react quickly to potential dangers like when the driver in the car ahead slams on the brakes at the last minute. Clearly, alcoholic drinks and drugs including prescription and over-the-counter drugs affect reaction time. Driving in lethargic state has the same effect and is one of the biggest reasons for crashes. 

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